The lot page displays the lot grave layout and info.
The height to width ratio of the lots may not be correct.
Burial names and the burial dates are displayed.
If a grave is owned but no one buried there ---Reserved--- is displayed.
If the burial id is followed by an * click it to show associated picture.
If the lot id is followed by an * click it to show associated picture.
A second box labeled AREA LOTS appears showing all nearby lots.
Click on the lot id in that box if you wish to go there.
If the lot is oriented at an angle only the lot id is shown..
A third box labeled CEMETERY appears showing the position.
of the AREA LOTS map in the cemetery.
Click anyplace in this box to go to that area in the cemetery.
Several marker types may appear.
      Stone marker.
        Round Lot.
        Square Lot.
If they are followed by an * click it to show asociated picture.
Clicking the name index menu takes you to the 1st name index.